Lavande Diffuser

May 12, 2019 - Comment
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(as of 12 May 2019 20:36 GMT+0100 - Details)

Our long lasting diffusers add a decorative touch and fill the home with several months of intoxicating fragrance! The French Lavender, or “Lavande” is the perfect accessory for the bedroom or any quiet room in the house. This multicultural home essential converges the various, rich cultures of Europe into a single bottle. The easy-to-use and sophisticated design means that you barely need any effort to give your home that coveted European flare.

Product Features

  • Scents a Room
  • Diffuses scent
  • Pressed sprigs of Lavender, Cyclamen Leaves and Cucumber, with a barely perceptible hint of patchouli


Anonymous says:

Best diffuser ever! I LOVE this diffuser. I bought my first one in a high end department store years ago (it is still working with about 1/4 of the liquid left!). This makes the steeper price worth it to me. The scent is subtle but I can still make out the scent every time I walk in the room. It is a lovely, clean scent that lasts for years. Other diffusers I’ve used are dried up in a couple of months so the price is definitely worth it.

Anonymous says:

Smells like a cheap public restroom After having read so many of the glowing reviews, I fell for the marketing — the pretty minimalistic bottle, the lure of “bergamot tobacco” — and bought this. It is VILE. Smells of pungent chemicals. A bit like what you’d expect in a cheap restaurant bathroom. A complete waste of money. I feel like an idiot for having just thrown away $40.

Anonymous says:

My favorite diffuser brand, and Bergamot Tobacco my favorite scent! Subtle, gender neutral fragrance. Being a “natural” or “organic” person, I am very sensitive to chemicals in products. The formula in these has definitely changed. They’re not as pure as they used to be, much more watery looking than the older versions, but they don’t irritate my nose, so I still love them. I don’t know how to describe the scent, but this is my favorite. It’s not masculine, not girly, just a nice, light scent. If you’re used to strong perfumes, you probably won’t be able to smell this; I’d…

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