yueton 26pcs Reusable Soft Plastic Nail Polish Stencil with 10 Sizes

July 13, 2018 - Comment
Add to Cart $3.79Amazon.com Price
(as of 13 July 2018 16:36 GMT+0100 - Details)

Reusable soft plastic nail polish stencil
Pack of 26
Material: plastic
Color: hot pink
Size: 10 sizes
Easy to use and wash, save your time and money

Product Features

  • Reusable soft plastic nail polish stencil
  • Protector your DIY nail art with tidiness
  • Easy to use and wash, save your time and money
  • Please tear it off after the nail polish dries to avoid your nail art designs from being scratched by the edge of the stencil
  • Pack in color box, 10 sizes in total, includes 26 nail stencil and the french strips


Samantha Cohen says:

these dont fit my fingers well and dont stay on … these dont fit my fingers well and dont stay on well. Not sure if my fingers are weird or if this is true for everyone, but it is way more effort to make these work than it is to just polish carefully (I thought I might save time and it would be easy)

MJ says:

Not much help These work in some ways but I was thinking that these would be somewhat flexible but they are a hard plastic. It can be uncomfortable and if it slips it ruins the whole nail.If is doesn’t fit perfect you can’t always get to the very side edge of the nail and it defeats the purpose of it.I used them once and threw them away.

Shell says:

Great idea, poor execution 🙁 I really liked the idea of this when I stumbled upon it. How had I never seen something like this before? Well, I went for low price over quality and this was my result. They didn’t fit my fingers and the plastic hurt. Maybe if they were foam? Maybe it works better for little hands? Maybe it works better for longer nails? I don’t know. But there is no way these would work on my toes. And trust me, I really wanted this to work. But I’m no pro, that’s why I was looking for a product that wouldn’t…

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